Despite the heavy rains that are pounding all parts of Kenya, causing floods, landslides and other forms of destructions, there is one mystery that no one can solve. The dam that supplies Nairobians with water is not responding to the rains.
With all the seven forks dams full and spilling over, the one dam that has the most impact on the lives of Kenyans has refused to bulge. It is reported that Ndakaini dam is holding strong at 19%, refusing to respond to requests and prayers from Nairobians to fill up quickly and save them from water rationing.
The Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company announced that they were aware that the dam was not filling up and asked all stakeholders to come to the rescue before the long rains come to an end. The CEO said that there are several tactics that Kenyans can use to get the dam to fill up, as the company has no control over the dam.
He said “The dam has a history of not responding to rains, unless people intervene. Two years ago, the dam was stuck at 36% but with social media pressure, it filled up within two days.”
On hearing about state of the dam, Nairobi residents lamented that the number 19 has come to haunt them and seems like it is now the biblical 666. “We cannot even go out due to Covid-19, and now you are telling us that we cannot wash hands because the dam is 19% full?” Wondered one angry resident.
The government is hoping that social media pressure will force the dam to fill up. Government spokesman said that 19% is very unacceptable since it is only 3% above the VAT charges.
Residents of Ndakaini, who do not have tap water themselves, called for calm, arguing that the dam was also affected by Covid-19.