Governance Politics

Kenyans Asked to Choose Between Dynasty Thieves and Hustler Thieves

Kenyans are in a dilemma after being asked to make a decision on whether to continue with the dynasty thieves, or start life afresh with a new breed of hustler thieves.

The offer was given by politicians who had come together to discuss the future of Kenya and forge a way forward that the whole country can adopt. “We are here as a matter of public interest, and we want to ensure that Kenyans have a say in how they are going to be governed now and in the future.”

It is a confusing moment as neither options sounds very good, although the majority of people cannot tell what is wrong with the options presented. The politicians have insisted that there are only two options available and the choice lies with the great people of Kenya.

There was no much details given about either options, although it is known that a certain crop of politicians are the hustlers while another group forms the dynasties. Both groups consist of majorly men above fifty years of age who are extremely rich, although they have never been known to do any businesses outside politics. Even those in business cannot explain how they have more money than Safaricom, yet they have never been recognized as top taxpayers.

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