
Memes not Sufficient for a Long Term Relationship

Fresh details have emerged on the state of many relationships which were founded on memes. It is now clear that memes cannot sustain a relationship for more than three months.

In what could spell doom to some young people who have nothing else to offer, researchers found that even the coolest memes couldn’t get a relationship past the three month barrier that is considered the minimum time for a relationship. Many people who tried to keep their relationships alive through memes found that there is a limit to how much one can laugh, and sooner or later serious conversations are needed.

“It is a case of law of diminishing returns. You cannot keep someone laughing for three months without encountering the dreaded question ‘who are we?’ Besides, even if you do not send the memes, they will still get them from somewhere else.”

Of late, many people have been getting into relationships and entanglements with nothing else to offer but memes. They will spend long days and nights hunting for the latest memes just to keep their partner happy, but the happiness does not even last.

Psychologists now want people to focus on other things other than memes, saying memes are overrated. “We have a case of one young man who studied Korean so that he can translate Korean memes into English just to please their partner. It worked for two months only, despite studying Korean for 16 months. Clearly, there is no return on investment here.”

What are the alternatives?

There are limited options for those who have nothing else to bring to the table. Psychologists suggest that those who are stuck can start with having normal conversations and finding common things of interest. “The good old way of conversations works. Just try sitting on a public bench and talking about yourself, not just about the weather. It is difficult, but it works in the long run”

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