
1084 AD Prophecy Tells of 5th President of Kenya Making a Triumphant Entry into State House Riding on a Wheelbarrow

A recently discovered prophecy that dates back to 1084 AD has revealed that the next president of Kenya will have to make a triumphant entry into State House riding a on a wheelbarrow.

In what could change the politics of the moment, politicians intending to get into State House will have to strategically position themselves around a wheelbarrow in the hope that the prophecy will be fulfilled.

The Prophecy which had been hidden for almost a thousand years was made public recently and while the term wheelbarrow is not clearly stated, it is obvious that the prophet had the wheelbarrow in mind.

“It shall come to pass that the fifth president of the land that boasts of many loans near the equator shall come riding on it. It shall have a single round wheel. The wheel shall go round. And round. And round. It shall be held with two hands and two feet. It shall be pushed.”

Experts on political prophecies and medium weight sorcery have said that the prophecy is being fulfilled right now in the eyes of Kenyans, although most people do not realize what is happening. “The prophecy of wheelbarrow is being fulfilled, but due to obsession with bridges, Kenyans cannot notice.”

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