
Isaac Mwaura in Good Condition after Assassination Attempt

Celebrated Kiambu politician Isaac Mwaura spent the better part of Saturday morning recovering from an assassination attempt that nearly cut short his both political and earth career.

It was a moment of reflection and stock taking as the nominated Senator realized that life can be short, when his dreams for a better Kiambu county were nearly cut short by an assassination attempt that has shocked both friends and foes.

The incident happened on Saturday morning when Mwaura was having breakfast with a few friends at his residence. In the spirit of eating healthy, Isaac Mwaura had the healthy of options of arrowroot and sweet potatoes in plenty. This, combined with a good conversation, is always something good for breakfast.

But the conversation was too good that the good Senator forgot that the law states that you need to have two sips of tea with a single bite of nduma (arrowroot). Playing about with the ratio can be deadly, as the good Senator noted.

Mwaura went ahead to take three mouthfuls of nduma without taking any tea. All was well at the beginning but the then all of a sudden, everything was not okay. The nduma left the mouth, but never made it to the stomach. It was six seconds of near-death experience as the Senator quickly scrambled to counter the threat with a cup of hot tea. Luckily, the nduma submitted and made it to the stomach.

The morning events left the Senator shaken and while evidence shows that the nduma was acting alone in the assassination attempt, the Senator does not feel safe anymore. Worse, the DCI has dismissed the case, saying that they have no way to interview the nduma since it is already in the stomach.

Following the attempt, Mwaura has beefed up his personal security and has sourced for a digital reminder that alerts him in case he takes too much nduma with little tea. He has also called for the categorization of nduma as a lethal food that should always be eaten under supervision.

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