Valentine comes with joy and happiness to young lovers, with men trying as much as possible to please their better halves. As the 14th day of the second month nears, young men will go to an extra mile to at least give their lovers a treat away from their normal Kibandaski delicacies accompanied by mutura.
Despite all that, one thing that surely doesn’t miss is a couple of break ups. The secret lovers will always be surprised at the D-day when their said lovers disappear into thin air to be with their wives whom they consider more special anyways.
This year’s Valentine day seems not to break the protocol despite the Covid-19 having effects on nearly everything.
A lorry belonging to a Tears company has been spotted
Arriving at the streets on Nairobi. The driver refused to disclose their mission but analysts speculate that there could be litters of tears – mostly premium tears – being shed and yet to be in the coming days hence the need for the lorry to arrive as early as now.
There has been a higher demand of tears recently. The tears are said to be used to sanitize corrupt individuals in African Countries and also heal those being thrown out of government.