
PostaMate Wins Global Satire Prize

PostaMate has cemented its market leader position in satire after winning the inaugural Pyongyang Prize for Satire.

The award that seeks to celebrate foolishness saw contestants from all the continents fighting for the coveted award which is the highest form of validation that satire needs. The 2021 prize was the first award ever, after the 2020 award was postponed, of course due to the pandemic.

The award comes with a cash prize of 12,000 USD, although PostaMate management is seeking to have the award amended to add an additional zero at the end. This is to keep up with economic inflation and intellectual deflation.

Best Satire Publication

PostaMate has severally been recognized for occasional outstanding satire, although most of the time the content is a little bit stale. Experts attribute this to the fact that PostaMate satire is not the ordinary form of satire, but sort of an acquired taste. This is the reason why the people who read it every day end up reading it every day. They are also known to over perform at home, under perform on the road, and perform normally at work.

Headquartered in Nairobi but with ‘moles’ in almost every African city, PostaMate was credited for making Kenyans the happiest people in East Africa. It is also the first online stop for most Tanzanians who have not had a substantive source of news for the last 6 years.

PostaMate has also continued to grow exponentially in the last 16 months. Although PostaMate was not affected by the pandemic, it was able to craftily draw public support during the ‘tough times’ occasioned by the pandemic, helping it to grow and beat leading global brands such as the Onion.

Although PostaMate started as a secret society, today you can subscribe to PostaMate on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Reddit or Telegram.

Pyongyang Prize for Satire

The Pyongyang Prize for Satire seeks to help build satire as the global lingua franca that is accessible to those in power and the oppressed. It is backed by the Pyongyang government, and currently has the highest award for satire. PostaMate will use the money to hire a White CEO who will help secure funding for expansion to other continents.

The Pyongyang Prize for Satire will be awarded every year to a satire publication that is called PostaMate.

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