
Police: Atwoli’s Road Sign was Destroyed by an Act of Nature

Police investigations have concluded that the Francis Atwoli Street sign was destroyed by an act of nature.

The road sign marking the change of name from Dik Dik Road to Francis Atwoli went up in flames on Monday night. This caused an outcry from Francis Atwoli who could find no evidence to incriminate Boniface Mwangi for the act.

Detectives from Kilimani DCI office spent the better part of Tuesday morning investigating the circumstances under which the road sign was destroyed and publicized on social media. While preliminary report had suggested that people were involved, it was later concluded that the destruction was due to an act of nature, hence nothing can be done about it.

“This is clearly an act of nature. We had people guarding it, as well as some working CCTVs which did not capture anything. Clearly, it must be an act of nature.”

They further advised ndugu Francis Atwoli to consider insuring the sign arguing that similar occurrence are likely to be experienced in the near or far future.

By the time of going to the press, major insurance providers had declined to insure the sign, with one sales agent from ICEA Lion arguing that they would be hesitant to compete with nature.

Due to this, Atwoli opted to redo the sign using a handwritten material so as to keep up with the rate at which it gets destroyed by nature.

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