Former US president Barack Obama is turning 63 for the first time next month. He may not throw a big party because Africans born before Instagram are not big on such things. He may not even remember that it is his birthday. No news here.
However, the news that is not making news is that Obama is still young enough to be an American president again. This is if we consider that he is African by DNA and in Africa, all things are possible.
The United States seems to be in acute shortage of good presidential candidates, with old age being a major threat to good governance. The current president and all the possible future candidates are all advanced in age, something that has forced the Secret Service to start training as nursing home attendants.
Can Barack Obama Become President Again?
While the US Constitution has an 8-year term limit, there is always a way around most difficult problems, one that does not involve hellfire missiles.
How would this be possible?
Being an African at heart, Obama can learn from what other African presidents have done. Everywhere from Southern to Northern Africa, from Eastern to Western Africa, presidents have always found ways to do the impossible.
A simple way around this problem is to bend the Constitution to say that the president cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms. This means that anybody who serves for two terms has reached a limit, and is free to come back after four years and become president again.
Unfortunately, this would mean that George Bush could end up becoming president for another 4 years! OK, not possible, because he is not African.
Happy birthday Barack Obama.