
Fuel Price Must Be Higher Than Beer’s

Last week, a looming PSV strike in Kenya to protest the price of fuel was cancelled just before it was announced. That is unusual because in a country of dynasties who own guzzlers and hustlers who are sensitive to cost of living, this should have been the mother of all riots.

 However, it has now been revealed that the hustler and dynasties came to an agreement on this matter.

The WSR, chief hustlers, said that in bottom up economy, no hustler should be afraid of the price of petrol or diesel. “When choose wheelbarrows and mkokoteni we knew it! These are what hustlers will be use in the new economy come 2022. If they increase the fuel cost, it will be to their disadvantages. Mama Mboga should not be afraid. We will rebuild this nation using natural resources given by God like, water, air, and soil. Occasionally the chief hustler will use a bodaboda that only sniff fuel. When it passes through a petrol station it will be full tank by time it crosses the other side”

Then the CS for Interior security who talked on behalf of Jayden and dynasties gave a speech.  He particularly mentioned that, the price for 1 litre of fuel is cheaper than 500mls of beer. “While Kenyans fill all the bar over the weekend and never complain about the cost of alcohol, they should bear with the government on this.  “

The matatu industry backed this government move. The chairman Simon Kimutai, said that the high fuel prices will reduce road accident. He advised the Kenya Petrol Authority to double the price for private cars particularly on weekends and public holidays to reduce unnecessary travels. If all private cars paid more for fuel, we will not be having the notorious traffic in our cities particularly during rush hours. Only matatu should be allowed in Nairobi and major cities.

“All motorist should be ready to pay more fuel as we try to raise more money for conducting peaceful election come 2022. There no enough budget particularly due to pandemic. The low prices and free fuel given during lockdown to doctors, and essential services providers, it payback time.” Said the KRA chairman

PostaMate media have therefore set an exclusive interview with Turkana County so as to get feedback on the stage of petroleum mining in the County. Follow with us to get more exclusive.

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