Young people from all over the country yesterday held a press conference congratulating political leaders for running ethnically divisive campaigns and encouraging Kenyans to remain tribal during the 2022 elections. Coming together under the Tribal Youth of Kenya Association (TYKA), a locally registered CBO, they urged Kenyans to come out in large numbers to vote for their ethnic chiefs.
“If Kenyans fail to vote tribally, there will be no violence, and following that, we won’t get our local militia fee,” the groups chair lady Sharon Momanyi said.
Working as a protestor, stone thrower and local militia is seen as a lucrative opportunity, with participants earning between Ksh 15,000 to Ksh 50,000 per day. Reports abound of former stone throwers who have built properties with the money received, started transport fleets and set up other business investments.
The youth wingers hailed the recent spate of ethnic gatherings that have been taking place in local stadia, encouraging local political leaders to remain on course. “In ethnic division is our success.”