
Biden Praises Tesla for Manufacturing Adzes

President Joe Biden has praised Elon Musk for the thousands of job opportunities created through his Adzes manufacturing company Tesla.

In a Tweet after the state of the union address, Biden said that Tesla had revived the forgotten art of shaping wood using adzes, a step that will resuscitate the furniture industry. He noted that Tesla had invested billions of dollars in design and manufacturing of good looking adzes and hoped that the world would adopt the beautiful tools by Tesla.

“They have good technology and they produce beautiful tools. Theses Adzes do not contribute to climate change because they ensure responsible use of timber. We will continue to champion for innovative tools that can drive the second industrial revolution.”

The message from Whitehouse left Elon Musk unable to respond, perhaps flattered by the words of wisdom from good old Joe.

Our reporter tried to reach out to Joe Biden’s media team but they were too embarrassed to comment on the matter.

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