
Man Suffers Second Degree Burns after sharing Bathtub with Wife

What started as a romantic gesture ended up as a traumatic venture after a man suffered serious burns when he joined the wife for a bath.

The lazy evening in the outskirts of Kampala was jolted to life when the man plunged into the hot bathtub where the wife was relaxing, thinking that the water temperature was within a human being’s tolerable limits. But as many are aware, that might not be the case if it is the lady taking a shower or a bath.

As soon the man plunged into the tub that was full of water and covered with soap suds, a big scream was heard all over the sleepy estate, prompting neighbors and security guards to rush to the scene. The wife also jumped out of the bath tub in shock as she could not understand what was going on. It took a few seconds for the man to realize that he had jumped into near boiling water.

Unfortunately, the man could not escape as the thermal shock had partially paralyzed him while the soap made it hard for him to hold onto anything. It took almost ten seconds before he could get out, and by then the damage was done.

Realizing the mistake, the wife called an ambulance and the man was rushed to Kampala International Hospital.

A simple lesson was learned the hard way.

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