
Jobless Man Takes Annual Leave, Says He Deserves a Break

NAIROBI, Kenya – A jobless man in Nairobi has decided to take a week off from his daily routine of doing nothing, claiming that he needs some time to relax and recharge.

“I’ve been working hard all year, looking for jobs, sending applications, going for interviews, and getting rejected. It’s exhausting and stressful. I deserve a break,” said the man, who asked not to be named for fear of being ridiculed by his friends and family.

The man said he plans to spend his annual leave doing things he enjoys, such as watching Netflix, playing video games, sleeping in, and ordering food online.

“I’m not going to worry about anything for a week. I’m just going to have fun and enjoy myself. I think it will do wonders for my mental health and motivation,” he said.

The man’s decision has been met with mixed reactions from his acquaintances. Some have praised him for taking care of himself and being optimistic, while others have criticized him for being lazy and irresponsible.

“He’s delusional. He doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t have any income, he doesn’t have any prospects. He’s just wasting his time and money. He should be looking for work, not taking a vacation,” said one of his former classmates, who works as an accountant at a reputable firm.

“He’s brave. He’s not letting the harsh reality of the job market get him down. He’s taking charge of his own happiness and well-being. He should be applauded, not judged,” said one of his online friends, who is also jobless and plans to join him on his annual leave.

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