
Government to Tax Every 4th Child in Kenya

In a shocking move, the Kenyan government has announced a new policy that will impose a tax on every fourth child born to a family. The policy, which will take effect from January 1, 2024, is aimed at curbing the population growth and reducing the burden on the country’s resources.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the tax will be calculated based on the income of the parents and the number of children they have. The tax rate will increase progressively for each additional child after the third one. For example, a family with four children will pay 10% of their income as tax, while a family with five children will pay 15%, and so on.

The policy has sparked outrage and criticism from various quarters, including religious leaders, human rights activists, and opposition politicians. They have denounced the policy as unfair, discriminatory, and inhumane. They have also questioned the legality and constitutionality of the policy, which they claim violates the right to life and family.

Some critics have also pointed out the potential negative consequences of the policy, such as increased poverty, reduced fertility, and skewed sex ratio. They have argued that the policy will force some families to resort to desperate measures, such as abortion, infanticide, or abandonment of unwanted children. They have also warned that the policy will create a social stigma and discrimination against large families and fourth-born children.

The government, however, has defended the policy as necessary and beneficial for the country’s development and sustainability. It has claimed that the policy will help to control the population growth, which is currently estimated at 2.6% per year, one of the highest in the world. It has also claimed that the policy will help to reduce the pressure on the country’s scarce resources, such as land, water, food, and health care. It has also asserted that the policy will improve the quality of life and education of children by ensuring that they receive adequate attention and care from their parents.

The government has also dismissed the concerns raised by the critics as baseless and exaggerated. It has assured that the policy will not infringe on any human rights or constitutional provisions. It has also assured that the policy will not affect the poor or vulnerable families, who will be exempted from paying any tax. It has also assured that the policy will not lead to any adverse social or demographic outcomes, but rather promote responsible parenthood and family planning.

The government has also appealed to the public to support and cooperate with the policy, which it says is in the best interest of the nation and its future generations.

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