
Jobless Man Takes Annual Leave, Says He Deserves a Break

NAIROBI, Kenya – A jobless man in Nairobi has decided to take a week off from his daily routine of doing nothing, claiming that he needs some time to relax and recharge. “I’ve been working hard all year, looking for jobs, sending applications, going for interviews, and getting rejected. It’s exhausting and stressful. I deserve […]


Medical Interns Enjoy 5 Months of Donkey Work Without Pay, Minister Basks in Social Media Glamour

In a stunning display of gratitude towards medical interns, the Ministry of Health has treated them to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: five whole months of relentless toil without any form of compensation. The interns, who tirelessly carry out back-to-back calls, have discovered a hidden secret – their insurmountable workload has miraculously saved them from the clutches […]


Man on the 47th Round of Interview at One Acre Fund Still Hopeful

It has been a tough three months for a local man. Armed with papers, experience, exposure, and connections, the quest for the perfect job has been going on. We caught up with him while preparing for the 47th round of interview at One Acre Fund, where he was hopeful that he would definitely land his […]


Lorry Carrying Employment Opportunities Overturns in Mlolongo

A truck filled with tons of employment opportunities and jobs has overturned in Mlolongo causing a nasty traffic snarl-up on both sides of the highway. Although the exact cause of the accident hasn’t been established, first responders on site have speculated that the driver could have been distracted by the bridge construction alongside Mombasa Road. […]