In an unprecedented event that has left Brits steaming, an American tourist in London was arrested after committing the unfathomable act of attempting to microwave a cup of tea. The tourist, whose name has been withheld for his protection from tea enthusiasts, now faces several felony charges including “Assault on British Heritage” and “Reckless Endangerment […]
Tag: kitchen
House Cockroaches Increasingly Starving to Death as Inflation Bites
An unlikely victim of inflation and the high cost of living is a familiar figure – roaches. With food rationed and leftovers vanishing, cockroaches have now been forced to work for their living, a change that many are unable to adapt to. Entomologists now warn that it might be a few years before we see […]
Lastborn Admitted to ICU in Critical Condition After Washing Two Cups
An unidentified lastborn was yesterday admitted to Nairobi Hospital after suffering from chronic fatigue following a heavy days work that involved cleaning two cups. The 19-year-old was wheeled into the emergency section complaining of a possible multiple organ failure as there was pain all over his body, and a serious overwork-induced-headache. The hospital was brought […]