
Kenya Bans Abortion in Dogs

Kenya has moved to criminalize abortion in dogs, arguing that puppies are just too cute to be aborted.

In a Bill that was proposed by Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika, the House unanimously agreed to ban all form of abortion in dogs, arguing that lives of dogs are too precious to kill and urged all interested parties to come together and support the welfare of puppies.

“We cannot let anybody kill puppies. If you are not ready to keep your dog or puppies, just give them out for adoption. There are enough bodies willing to take care of them.”

Those who spoke in support of the Bill said that the welfare of animals was important, and argued that people who mistreat animals should be arrested. “We have made a major progress in protecting big animals like elephants and it is time we turned our attention on the small animals. Aborting puppies should not be tolerated.”

The decision raises fears that unborn children will start identifying as puppies to escape abortion, just it has happened with other regulations. Recently, a mother who could not find justice for the killing of her son decided to frame the murders for killing a rhino. They were sentenced in a record three days.

Cat lovers are also working on another Bill that will make it illegal to leave unattended cats for more than 12 minutes. This will be a major victory for cats which need attention all the time. However, the Bill may not materialize since cat owners are as lazy as the cat, and they procrastinate about it for the next ten years.

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