
LSK Disbanded in Favor of a more Inclusive Tea Council

The Registrar of Societies in Kenya has moved with speed to disband the Law Society of Kenya, and in its place announced the formation of a Tea Council that will bring together all the learned friends in Kenya.

Following the endless wrangles, disputes, gossips and cat fights, the Registrar of Societies announced that what legal community in Kenya needs is a place where they can meet and take tea, and not a professional society.

“We are aware that lawyers want a form of belonging, but a professional society is something beyond what lawyers can handle. We want to give them something that is within their nutritional capacity, and a Tea Council will work very well. They will just meet and have a cup of tea. That is good enough.”

In the new council lawyers will be expected to meet and take tea, and the only legally binding action or item will be the recipe for the tea, the styles for sipping, the time for tea, and the number of cups that a member will be allowed to take.

Lawyers Welcome the Move

While lawyers loved the social status afforded by the Law Society of Kenya, many of them said that they were happy with a Tea Council as it would guarantee them and infinite supply of tea.

“Our chairman has already set the standard for the tea. The sheep should just follow course, because the highest calling of a human being is a cup of tea. The Brits have also led the way, and we love exotic things.”

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