
Matatus Can Now Carry Full Capacity

Public Service Vehicles in Kenya have now been allowed to carry to full capacity, after more than an year of carrying not more than 60% of their capacity.

The directive issued by the court follows complains from our readers – most of who use matatus – that trains and planes were doing a full capacity while matatus were hemorrhaging cash as they carried half capacity.

PostaMate noted that the limitation on matatus amounted to poverty based discrimination, since the rich people who are flying at full capacity while poor people were being forced to social distance. This is despite the fact that matatus are very well aerated, as opposed to planes which don’t even have functional windows.

“It is absurd that a Kinatwa Sacco matatu whose windows are broken and operates in Ukambani is only allows to carry seven people, while a Kenya Airways plane with no windows, carrying 233 passengers and flying high in the sky where temperatures are about 0 °C carries at full capacity. Are we not hating on the people because they are poor?

Following the directive, 14 seater matatus will now carry the usual 19 passengers while Kenya Mpya buses will do 105 people.

PostaMate wishes to thank the people’s court for the timely ruling.

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