
David Ndii and Amerix to Settle their Differences the Old Way

A storm has been brewing between celebrated Economist David Ndii and masculinity coach Amerix over the role and presence of a man in the kitchen. Netizens are unable to settle the dispute and in order to avert a Third World War, it has been agreed that the two should settle their differences the usual way!

It all started with a Tweet, just as we expect the Third World War to start. Amerix started it long time ago.

Eric on Twitter: “Men,It is her joy to cook for you.A great woman loves cooking for her man. If she tells you to come back home with chips and chicken because she is tired to cook, She has despised her own domain.Suspend her from your territory.Abandon her.#MasculinitySaturday / Twitter”

Men,It is her joy to cook for you.A great woman loves cooking for her man. If she tells you to come back home with chips and chicken because she is tired to cook, She has despised her own domain.Suspend her from your territory.Abandon her.#MasculinitySaturday

Ndii was silent until Amerix got out of hand. He had to respond.

David Ndii on Twitter: “Who is lying to young men that toxic masculinity is an African cultural badge of honour? If you expect you can date a career woman, marry and next day you’ll be putting your feet up as she keeps house, you are delusional. You have serious self-esteem issues to deal with.1/2 / Twitter”

Who is lying to young men that toxic masculinity is an African cultural badge of honour? If you expect you can date a career woman, marry and next day you’ll be putting your feet up as she keeps house, you are delusional. You have serious self-esteem issues to deal with.1/2

This is the conflict that now needs to be settled the usual way. For the starters, this is how we settle things the usual way.

This has been the way. However, the two parties seem not to agree on how this should be done. Amerix wants a boxing ring, while Ndii wants a Debate Chamber. It is understandable for Amerix to vouch for the boxing ring because he has been eating meat and exercising every day just to maintain a picture perfect masculine look. On the other hand, David Ndii has been destroying bad arguments, building complex economics models and arguing with internet strangers.

Netizens want the two to sit down, take a cup of tea laced with cyanide and see who will emerge the winner.

May the best man win.

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