
Al-Shabaab Warns Against Non-essential Travel to Kenya

The terrorist jihadist fundamentalist group group Al-Shabaab has warned its members against traveling to Kenya due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus disease.

In a memo that was posted online, the group asked all its fighters, suicide bombers, sympathizers and undercover agents to avoid going to Kenya until the lock down imposed due to Covid-19 is lifted, citing the risk of contracting the disease.

In the memo, the members were told that it may not be worth making contact with Kenya at this time since the risk of getting the virus and spreading it back home is very high.

The memo further added, “Even for suicide bombers, there are virtually no good crowds to target. We would be more productive if we wait for a more opportune moment.”

The unofficial group spokesman said that the group would be better off targeting the virus itself as it was also a threat to its members. “There is no need for us to risk hellfire missiles by targeting Kenya, when we can just sit back and watch the virus take over from us the work of instilling fear in people.”

The directive now means that the two main problems facing Kenya; Al-Shabaab and BBI have been put on hold for the next 3 months. If Kenyans can let go the fear of Corona Virus, it is going to be the most peaceful three month period.

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