
Man Cured of Covid-19 after Staring at the Image of Mutahi Kagwe for Six Minutes

As the cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in Kenya, a ray of hope is emerging after what could be a possible cure was found. A man who was admitted to ICU was instantly cured of the disease after staring at the photo of Mutahi Kagwe for six minutes.

To be precise, it was actually five minute and 41 seconds.

The man who was admitted at a top private hospital for three days had just moved been into the ICU after his condition deteriorated. You need to understand that on the third day of admission, a Covid-19 patient’s condition has to deteriorate and the patient moved to ICU. It is a very logical decision for any hospital’s Finance department.

Doctors were planning to hook him up on a ventilator when the miracle cure came through.

The TV in the ward was airing a Covid-19 commercial and as fate always does it, a combination of poor signal reception and the age of the TV made the transmission reception to freeze. For almost six minutes, the image of Mutahi Kagwe with a face that suggested that viewers were behaving normally was etched on the screen. It felt like eternity.

It was at this point that the man had time to think about his conditions. He remembered his reckless actions, his ignorance of basic public health rules and of course, the rising hospital bill which was way past what the insurance could cover. The image of Mutahi Kagwe seemed to draw those memories in increasing measure.

The man slowly felt his breathing ease. His sense of smell returned. The burning sensation on the throat cleared. Energy slowly started to flow through his muscles. The fever was no more. He was able to sit.

Two tests conducted later showed that the man was negative and there was no trace of the virus in him. He had been cured.

The event now opens doors for the possible cure to mass produced and used countrywide, with the government already having floated a tender for framed portraits of Mutahi Kagwe to be put in all hospital wards, public places, private offices and even homes.

With the cure, Kenya has now closed the self esteem gap with Madagascar.

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