Covid-19 has struck back with a lethal strategy in Kenya – sparing no one and showing no mercy. Just as we had warned you, the virus chose to wait until we are all tired of social distancing and keeping clean. It waited for our politicians to get tired of acting concerned, and also for Kenyans to realize that on one end of the pendulum swing is Covid-19 and the other end we have hunger and other forms of death.
Now it is back, and even the government does not have a plan. The initial plan was to go the Tanzanian way, but that route seems too hard for cowards. Luckily, there is another viable solution. Dennis Okari.
When the first wave of Covid-19 landed, the numbers were slow at the beginning but started to run away. Fortunately, Dennis Okari played the Robin Hood where with one expose of Covid millionaires, the numbers crumbled and Covid disappeared.
This is the man that Kenyans are banking on to act before it is too late. They want him to release the second episode of Covid millionaires, who by now could be Covid billionaires. It worked before and Kenyans are certain that it will work again.
“There is something he can do. Let him release episode 2 of Covid millionaires and you will see the curve starting to behave. He is our only hope.”
Even the Health CS has added his voice to the call for Dennis Okari to act. “The second wave is here abnormally, and we cannot treat an exponential curve normally. We call upon Dennis Okari to release the new episode if that is what will save our country.”
Over to you Dennis Okari.