
Uhuru Kenyatta Accidentally Repeats an old Speech During the Presidential address on Covid-19 Pandemic

Kenyans were caught up in a time capsule moment when the President Uhuru Kenyatta accidentally read the same Presidential Address on Covid-19 Pandemic as the one he gave last month, with no one realizing that history was literally repeating itself.

In a Televised speech from the State House, the president picked a copy of the old speech and went ahead to read it word for word, with the journalists and high profile politicians gathered occasionally clapping and nodding in agreement. The speech had the usual words such as Deescalation, Pandemic, experts, fellow Kenyans, unprecedented, Surge, However, normally, alcohol, 21 days, responsibility and irregardless.

Nobody seemed to notice that it was the same speech he gave during the 10th Presidential address on Covid-19 Pandemic, save for three additional commas and use of an additional semi colon.

The speech was perfectly camouflaged in the new shirt that the president was wearing, making everything sound new. It took our reporter about 45 minutes to realize that everything sounded very familiar and later realize the date written on first page of the printed speech was 27th July 2020.

Most Kenyans are still not aware of the error, but they don’t seem to mind because their problems have remained the same since the last time the president spoke.

We are hoping that the error is corrected and schools will be reopened in September.

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